Obviously David Choe influence.. if you don't know who david choe is.. then fuk u and shame on you!
"Money Trouble"
Detail of "Classy Geisha"
I've been workin a littlebit more on this piece! Claire!! ur gonna start an art blog just like mine! and update it atleast twice a week! It goes to all of my art friends..
For some reason... I was able to finish this piece fast.. usually with acrylic it may take be 2 weeks to one month. I probably spent about 12 hours; 3 hours each day..
I was drawing on my sketch book while listening to coldplay's "talk" and form some reason I had this weird connection, an urge to create!! I came up with more interesting figures, and drew my "YA" robot :P
I just recently started college, and it's so far the most boring experience of my life. I've been feeling a little bit down spiritually; having conflict with my own thoughts.
Today, I was lookin around youtube and I found some nifty stuff. It's about this one awsome asian and a big deal artist dude, David Choe and his cousin road trippin.
I couldn't sleep last night... then I thought "with all the time I could spend, I could explore my deepest thoughts!!" So I adventured through my room to pick up my trusty sketch book. writing few notes here and there and BAM!!.. and then there was painting.. till 5 am :D
These past couple days I've been paintin like crazy... workin day and night to finish these two.. been alot of stress jus so that five of my art works including these two could get into August art show.
Joon Park, a pop surrealist, considered by some a lowbrow artist, has been an avid painter since his high school debut. His inspiration initially grew from Korean folk tales from his childhood, though he became even more engulfed by surrealism at an opportunity he had to reside in Europe. Overseas he was captivated by many European artists such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Vincent Van Gogh, and Salvador Dali. His ever-growing curiosity in the many styles of art, while still focusing on surrealism, sparks his imagination.
Joon is now influenced by many modern San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles based artists. While learning from multiples new artists’ examples, he still practices the techniques of the old masters. Although he is still young and blossoming, Joon hopes his desire to paint will drive him into uncharted territory.