Saturday, June 28, 2008

Collabrated Art work...

one last post for the day..

Now this is a collaborated art work with Bad Bobby, Dirty Dan, and I.

This painting is gonna be awsome..

Paintings in progress

These are some of the paintings I'm working on..

This is one piece is based on Chinese constellation; Azure Dragon of the East, Black Tortoise of the North, Vermilion Bird of the South, and White Tiger of the West.

I am super psyched about this piece. I thought it was gonna be too cool.. I jus need to make it more painterly.

Now this is a mural painting for my self... I was doing random stuff in the garage and next thing u know I pick up a brush and painted until I got bored... it been sitting there in my garage, untouched for a year! so began painting that little Muppet dude!


That movie with Angelina Jollie was just bad ass!!

But... the movie that moved me was Wall-E!

This movie was just too cute I gotta say... but thats not all, I was able jot down some ideas for my next painting because of this lovely movie. such as exploring new themes; man vs time, time vs itself.

For those who love art and art history, Check out the credits! It's a big surprise!!

Friday, June 6, 2008


This is my first blog!